Engadine Eagles Football Club


REGISTRATIONRegistrations for Season 2025

Please read this information carefully and retain for your records to ensure correct fees and registration requirements are presented when you register.

All Registrations are completed online at the Play Football website
REGISTER HERE – www.registration.playfootball.com.au/

Online Payments are accepted anytime from Monday 6th January.

Manual payment options will not be accepted in 2025. If any issues contact either the Secretary Col Berry or registrar Peter Feehan for alternate arrangements.

The club registration days are generally for those requiring assistance to register, sight documents, assist with photos and purchase Socks and Shorts.

Registration Days
Player registrations for 2025 will be held at the Engadine Eagles Club Room, Anzac Oval on the following days:
Wed 29th January 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Sun 2nd February 3.00pm to 6.00pm

All players who wish to play with EEFC in 2025 must be registered in the online system. All registration fees must be paid before registrations are completed, late registrations may not be accepted.

Please note – until all fees are paid, players are not covered by the insurance cover provided when training and may not be included for grading purposes.

New Registrations

New players who have never registered with SSFA previously are to supply both;
– proof of age, includes original birth certificate, driver’s license or passport; and
– proof of residency, includes unaltered driver’s license, a recent document from a Government Department or Financial Institution. For Juniors a letter from the school confirming attendance in 2025 or School Id.

COPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTED – originals must be sighted by either the Club President, Secretary or Registrar and will be returned.
To be eligible to play in the Under 6’s, players must have been born between 1st January 2019 and 31st December 2020. All new players are required to bring the documents with them on the registration days provided. New registrations are still required to register online prior to registration days.


As it’s a new registration system so new photos are required for all players U10 and over.
To play in the first game, you MUST have an acceptable photo. The photo MUST be of passport style (and size). You will be able to upload a new photo yourself or attend one of the registration days and we can organise a photo to be taken.

On-line Registration system
It is compulsory for every member of the Sutherland Shire Football Association to be registered through the online system, regardless of which club is chosen to play.

For Season 2025 you will be required to pay online, however please be aware there may be are additional charges involved.

When registering through the system, you will also be required to accept the terms and conditions, please read these (they are published on the website) and acknowledge acceptance as required. There are also some additional questions, please answer these as appropriate.

Registration and match fees for 2025

Registration Age Group Total to be paid at Registration

Nursery Squad $90
SSF U6’s $110
SSF U7’s – U9’s $185
SSF U10’s & U11’s $190
U12’s $210
U13’s to U14’s $220
U15’s & U16’s $225
U18’s $235
U21’s and above $340
Life Members $280


Late Registration – Registrations received after 22nd February will incur a late registration fee of $50. This represents SSFA late fee to cover the cost of additional administrative tasks. The late fees are applicable across U12’s and up. There is no late fee for U6’s to U11’s.

Nursery Squad

Nursery Squad players are to register online. The process will be the same as for any player U6 and over. However, proof of Age and Residency will not be required.

There is a nominal fee which will cover costs incurred by the club.
It’s expected that the squad will train on a Sunday morning around 9am for about an hour. This will run for the entire season excluding school holidays, starting on Sunday 30th March.

We will accept Registrations for Nursery Squad throughout the season.



Enquiries regarding registrations in all age groups should be directed to:

Peter Feehan Registrar M – 0409 240 090
Colin Berry Secretary M – 0403 163 228

We look forward to seeing you for yet another exciting season!


Grading of all junior players within the Club will commence from Tuesday, February 4th and continue until 16th February. There is a spare week from 17th February to 22nd February for wet weather or additional time to finalise teams. Detailed grading days and times for each age group can be found on the website.
Round 1 of the 2025 competition will be the weekend of 29th/30th March.

Coaching or Managing teams

If you are interested in being involved with the club to Coach or Manage a team, feel free to talk to existing committee members at registration or any other time that suits you. All participation is welcome.
You will also be able to answer the additional question when registering or complete an application form to Coach/Manage, this can be obtained on Registration, Grading Days or alternatively can be printed from the website, completed, and handed to a committee member or emailed to the Secretary.

Committee Positions

There are currently vacancies on the general committee – if you are interested in being involved with the club in this way feel free to talk to existing members at registration or any other time that suits you. All participation and ideas are welcome.


Once again, this season we will be seeking assistance through sponsorship packages, if you are interested in providing financial support for the club, feel free to speak with Julie O’Reilly (0427 405 702). All participation is welcome. There are a number of different type of packages available.