Engadine Eagles Football Club

2020 Nursery Squad

Nursery Squad

The club has again decided to run a nursery squad this season.

Once again we are requesting for all Nursery Squad players to register online. The process will be the same as for any player U6 and over. Proof of Age and Residency will not be required. There is a nominal fee which will cover costs incurred by the club.

It’s expected that the squad will train on a Sunday morning from 9am til 10am. This will run for the entire season starting on Sunday 30th March. We will accept Registrations for Nursery Squad throughout the season.

If you are aged 13 or over and wish to assist the club with the running of the Nursery Squad, earn extra pocket money, learn more about the game and have a good time with the young kids in the club. Please complete this form and email it to Jen Gerling email hibees22@hotmail.com or phone (0405 225 654) with the details below.

All Registrations are completed online at the Play Football website www.registration.playfootball.com.au