Coaches + Managers
Download the full versions of the competition rules:
These can be obtained via the Association website
Match Cards
- ensure all Match Cards are ticked and signed after the game
- include all shirt numbers (where applicable U12’s and up)
- include borrowed players, separate section at the bottom.
- Players not playing need to be crossed off whether suspension or injury, where a suspended players name is not crossed off it’s deemed as though they played and will result in loss of competition points.
- U12’s and above ensure to include Ground Control.
The club incurs fines for incorrect completion, the fine is per infringement.
Borrowing Players
Please unsure that you are familiar with the rules regarding which teams you can borrow from.
- U6’s to U11’s able to be borrowed to any grade across the grade.
- All U10’s and U11’s require an ID Card, U9’s able to be borrowed to U11’s but need to have an Id Card.
- U10’s and U11’s may be borrowed into U12’s.
- Competition players (U12 and above) can be borrowed 3 times. Can borrow up to 4 players.
- U12’s and up A Grade only to A Grade, Can borrow up to 4 players.
- Can only be borrowed up grades not down (C’s to B’s not B’s to C’s). Can be borrowed up to 3 times in any 1 team, 4th time will lose the game on forfeit unless regraded to the team. Can borrow up to 4 players.
- If playing up in Age Group can be borrowed down 1 grade (eg 13B’s to 14C’s) Can only play up 2 age groups (eg 12’s to 14’s). Can only borrow 2 players (not 3 or 4).
- To play 18’s must be turning 16 this year.
- Borrowing between teams in the same grade is allowed, minimum of 2 on each occasion. Can be borrowed up to 3 times. Unable to be regraded into the team.
Wet Weather
- Refer to Facebook, this will be updated ASAP. This includes training and game days.
- If game changes occur on the day, we will try and contact (phone) the Manager to advise changes. Please be patient as we may have many games. Order of preference is to the earlier games.
- We will not contact (phone) for game cancellations, these will be on Facebook as soon as known.
- Can also refer to the SSFA website for game changes and ground closures during the week.
- It is expected that everyone does it, many hands make light work.
- Saturday morning will be the busiest.
- Ensure there are enough Ground Control, 1 per field. Need to man the canteen and the BBQ as well. Details will be provided via Email (from Shared Services) around 1 week prior to the allocated duty.
- Duty Roster emailed from Shared Services; please ensure you reply to let them know that you will be attending.
- A reminder text/email will be sent closer to the date. Again, please ensure that you reply to let them know you will be attending.
- Duty roster will be posted on facebook as soon as possible.
Managers Identification
- Managers must wear the yellow vest supplied to identify them to Referees and Ground Control. These must be worn, or the club will be fined. If the manager is unable to attend the game, a substitute must then wear the vest.
Ground Control
- It’s compulsory that all competition teams (U12 and above), supply a ground control person. There is a Ground Control vest within the kit bags, these must be worn during the games. It’s also important the name of the person with the ground control responsibility is included on the Match Card. The person is not to be someone on the bench but a spectator. If you require a Ground Control Vest contact Deb Dumbrell.
- Our allocated oval is Anzac, please ensure that we only use these fields for any training. Under no circumstance are we to use the League field.
- Under NO circumstance are the grounds to be used during the week for training while they are closed.
- Space may be limited due to team numbers. Be courteous to other teams and don’t use all the field (or half).
- Stay out of goal mouths and off the lines.
- Heathcote Oval (4) and Dobell are expected to be available during the season.
- Training will be managed through the training allocations process, ensure these are selected before the start of the season. Also ensure that days and times are kept. Any changes please advise shared services so the training allocations can be updated.
ID Cards
- Simple rule is can’t play without an Id Card for age groups U12 and above. If there’s no Id Card the player will not be eligible to play, there will be a reason.
- If ID Cards are missing, you can still play, need to sign the Match Sheet in front of the opposing Manager. Also need to submit a reason on Match Sheet and forward to the Secretary, Col Berry.
Late Registrations
- If you have any potential registrations get them to call the registrar.
- Registration close 31st May don’t leave it until last minute get them in a few days earlier.
- st May don’t leave it until last minute get them in a few days earlier.
Working With Children
- All Coaches and Managers involved with kids up to and including U18’s are required to complete a Working With Children Check (WWC).
- These are required to be completed, please log into the website and complete the details, ensure you select volunteer to avoid any payment. Please refer to the website to register.
Coaches and Managers Registration
- It is requested that all Coaches and Managers register on the online system as per any player.
Game Days
- Increased player and team numbers, means overflow grounds are required. These could be Heathcote, Dobell or Preston. Hosting club may require assistance to set up or pack up.
- The club will try and share overflow teams around. However, the association generally completes the draw so some teams may get more than others.
- If playing at Kareela, Harrie Denning or Seymour Shaw additional Ground control are required.
Gala Days
- Generally held throughout the year for U6’s to U11’s.
- Information provided as received.
- Shared Services will coordinate on behalf of the club, Please reply to them if interested.
Encouragement Awards
- These will be handed out once available.
- Once again, we will be looking to have Man of the Match Trophies, once received we will advise collection.
The Manager of the team is required to ensure that all equipment issued to the team is returned at the end of the season in an acceptable state. This includes the team bag, balls, shirts, markers and bibs.
If you require any additional or replacement equipment during the season, or have any questions regarding property, please contact Property Officer Deb Dumbrell on 0411 325 873.
Playing Shirts
If you are going to be short and are required to borrow players from another side, you need to ensure that you retain those shirts from the players who are unavailable. This is to enable those borrowed players to use shirts that are numbered correctly. Please ensure that playing shirts are only worn at the game. Shirts are to be collected after each game and ongoing inspections of the shirts’ condition should be noted. Any damaged shirts are the responsibility of the player/team and will need to be paid for at a cost of $35 per shirt for its replacement.
- Complete Accident Claim form via the Shared Services website. Shared Services will then follow up any potential claim contacting the player concerned.
- Care on Concussion, if knocked out, or head injury not allowed back on the field.
- De-fibrillatory on hand in the clubhouse as needed.
Send Offs
- Ensure the Id Card is given to the referee after the game. If not, the club incurs a fine.
- Ensure you advise the President President Glen Tonna and Col Berry.
- There is no tolerance for arguing with the ref, foul language etc.
It is the discretion of the referee to allow interchange.